Monday, May 18, 2009

Half of these cases are random shootings.

Guns need to be controlled.  Enough assult weapons, enough with guns.  Grow up and give up your guns.  That level of freedom is an unhealthy one.  Freedom should be tempered with justice and truth.  The truth is that violence is cyclical and these cycles need to be slowed by some force.  I believe that there are people who will stand up to this cyclical force of violence and make a difference.  I believe in you.  Believe in yourselves.

Half of these cases are random shootings.

We need to get guns out of inner cities.  The police should have giveaways in return for people giving up their guns.  It would work, I believe that.

Why are people making assult rifles?

Assult rifles are wrong.  It's like genocide in our own backyard.  It's wrong and it needs to be stopped.  No more assult rifles.  There are enough out there.  Stop the violence.

A call for more Police Officers in Chicago.

We need more police officers.

If you are true, be a man in Blue.  Or a woman too.  Police are needed to govern the behavior of others.  There is too much harm in society and Police bring this to a halt.  We need a government incentive for people to be police officers.  36 children have been killed in Chicago's school districts in the past year.

Violence is wrong and will never under any circumstances be right.

In any situation.  We must get that through to people.  Fights are not cool at all.  Guns should not be allowed in cities.  Especially large metroplolitan areas like Chicago.